

I don’t know who is a bigger idiot — Al Franken, or the people who voted for him (“Finally, He’s Sen. Franken,” July 1).

This man now carries the same title and position as truly honorable people like John Glenn, Jacob Javits and Joe Lieberman.

Every time I see a photo or video of Franken, all I see is a buffoon from “Saturday Night Live.”

I plan to stay as far away from Minnesota as possible.

Robert Hughes

Floral Park


I commend new Minnesota Sen. Franken for his patience and dignity over the last six months.

He was forced to stand on the sidelines while opponent Norm Coleman ran out the clock.

Coleman used every weapon in his arsenal to deny the people of Minnesota the representation they deserve.

Although the handwriting was on the wall for months, Coleman blocked Franken through a misuse of the law and the courts, only now conceding defeat after his state’s Supreme Court ruled against him.

I would not have voted for someone as liberal as Franken, but compared with Coleman, Franken stands out as the bigger man.

Coleman succeeded in fending off a filibuster-proof Democratic Senate majority for six months but at the cost of the party’s long-term prospects.

Oren M. Spiegler

Upper Saint Clair, Pa.


We have 62 clowns in the New York state Senate, another clown about to become a Supreme Court justice and now another one in the US Senate.

Edward Giuliano



Sad days have come for the American people in just a short time.

We lost Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson passed on and Franken was elected to the US Senate.

Gene Fottrell

Egg Harbor, NJ