

When throwing a party, animal lovers have their own pet- iquette – like screenwriter Amanda Sorvino, who frequently entertains with two large German shepherds and two cats.

Sorvino, her actor dad Paul, and her actress sister Mira all are serious animal lovers. They recently co-founded a non-profit animal rescue group called Dogfellas (www.dogfellas.com). Where they’re concerned, disinviting four-legged family members is simply not an option.

But the pets don’t stop Amanda from entertaining in style. Guests are used to seeing her emerge from the kitchen, chic in Dolce & Gabbana, casually toting a wine glass in one hand – and a kibble-filled dog bowl in the other.

“Amanda is a great, old-fashioned hostess in the tradition of our grandmother, Angela Maria Mattea Renzi Sorvino,” says her sister Mira. “She always invites a wonderful diversity of guests, and makes them all feel welcome and warmed up.”

So, what’s her secret? “Keeping everybody happy,” Amanda says with a shrug. Of course, that includes her pets. “I cater to my animals all the time,” she says. “How is that different from hosting a party for humans?”

While most everyone knows that it’s wrong to give pets alcohol (it’s highly toxic), Amanda also cautions guests not to slip unauthorized food treats to her pets, since they could interfere with proper digestion.

Dogs like to feel included, however, so she keeps a bowl filled with Teddy’s Dog Treats; guests are welcome to dip in and offer a few.

Just in case hors d’oeuvres fall to the floor, she serves only snacks that – in moderation – won’t harm the dogs: Carr’s crackers with brie, mozzarella-prosciutto-basil roll-ups, and cheese straws.

And if meat is simply prepared, a small bite won’t harm pets. Four- and two-legged party animals can take beef rubbed with olive oil and salt, oven-roasted to medium-rare. Avoid chicken wings; pets can choke on the bones.

If offering fruit, skip grapes: According to recent veterinary findings, they cause kidney failure in dogs (as do raisins). With baked goods, avoid anything chocolate, which is toxic to pets. Amanda serves lemon cupcakes and ricotta cheesecake. “If the dogs steal a bite of dessert, it’s not a potential tragedy,” she explains.

If you have cats, keep an eye on the front door, so they don’t slip outside, and remind guests not to open windows that do not have screens. If your cats are frightened by crowds, keep them in the bedroom with the door closed.

“The first and last rule of entertaining with pets,” says Amanda, “is to respect your animals’ needs.”