US News

Lindsay Lohan wants to go home for Christmas: report

Lindsay Lohan plans to seek permission from the Betty Ford Center in southern California to travel to Long Island, NY, to be with her family for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Lohan wants to spend her holidays with her family, but sources told TMZ that she is “completely committed” to her treatment at the rehab center and understands that it might not allow her to leave.

On Sunday, the troubled actress reportedly posed for a fashion photo shoot near the center, where she is currently undergoing treatment for drug addiction.

On Oct. 22, Lohan was granted a reprieve from jail and ordered to stay in rehab until Jan. 3 after she tested positive for cocaine while on probation for an earlier offense.

Lohan served 14 days behind bars in July for violating the terms of her 2007 DUI probation and was then made to undergo more than three weeks of intense, court-ordered drug rehabilitation and months of regular random drug and alcohol tests.