
Kroft and his kid gloves

The Issue: Steve Kroft’s comment that “60 Minutes” won’t try to make President Obama look bad.


Steve Kroft’s statement, whether by accident or on purpose, is something most viewers already surmised (“A ‘60 Minutes’ Gotcha,” Editorial, Feb. 3).

If he believes what he said, then Kroft’s professional integrity is implicated.

The only thing missing from the “60 Minutes” segment with President Obama and Hillary Clinton was “Kumbaya.”

I would have told people “Don’t hold your breath” if they were expecting him to ask Clinton why she said it didn’t matter who murdered four Americans in Benghazi. Or who specifically altered the talking points repeatedly delivered by UN Ambassador Susan Rice.

If it were not for News Corp., the American public would be misled time and again.

Phil Serpico


Is anyone surprised by government media?

We all know now what the media were like under dictators.

Clinton and Obama leave the world in shambles, and they are worshiped.

The attack dogs only awaken from their slumber when the official belongs to the opposition.

John Lacey
