
Chill factor

Ava Gardner


Most popular songs

1. Blurred Lines, Robin Thicke

2. We Can’t Stop, Miley Cyrus

3. Get Lucky, Daft Punk

4. Can’t Hold Us, Macklemore + Ryan Lewis

5. Radioactive, Imagine Dragons

6. Come & Get It, Selena Gomez

7. Just Give Me a Reason, Pink

8. We Own It (Fast and Furious), 2 Chainz

9. Cruise (Remix), Florida Georgia Line

Tivo favorites

1. The Voice, Mon.

2. NBA: Spurs at Heat, Thurs.

3. The Voice, Tues.

4. NBA: Heat at Spurs, Tues.

5. NBA: Spurs at Heat, Sun.

Top video downloads

1. Mariachi Kid gets hit with racial tweets

2. How to fold a shirt in under two seconds

3. David Letterman: Are those your drums?

4. Travis Pratt ‘America’s Got Talent’ audition

5. Kitty and a can

Google trends

1. Kim Kardashian

2. Happy Father’s Day

3. Bruins

4. UFC 161

5. Ed Sheeran Searches that have increased significantly

NY Post hot topics

1. Sex-ercise cover-up

2. Ava Gardner deathbed confessions

3. Agnes Bruckner ‘rack’ star

4. Man charged with locking up vandals

5. ‘Man of Steel’ $113M