
Chill factor

Most popular songs

1. Just Give Me a Reason, Pink

2. When I Was Your Man, Bruno Mars

3. Can’t Hold Us, Macklemore + Ryan Lewis

4. Stay, Rihanna

5. Gentleman, PSY

6. Thrift Shop, Macklemore/Ryan Lewis

7. Gangnam Style, PSY

8. Crash My Party, Luke Bryan

9. Mirrors, Juston Timberlake

10. Radioactive, Imagine Dragons


Tivo favorites

1. 60 Minutes

2. The Amazing Race

3. The Voice, Tues.

4. The Good Wife

5. The Voice, Mon.

Top video downloads

1. Fertilizer plant blast

2. Boston Marathon blasts

3. Neil Diamond Sweet Caroline

4. The Simpsons explain why they are still on the air

5. Locker shot

Source: YouTube

Google trends

1. NBA playoffs

2. 420

3. Canelo vs. Trout

4. David Ortiz

5. Record Store Day

Searches that have increased significantly

NY Post hot topics

1. How an MD hooked JFK

2. Video shows suspect putting bag down

3. Mets living near Citi Field

4. Alec Baldwin’s new baby

5. Gritty Knicks defense wins Game 1