
1st Grade


In math, students will work with whole numbers and place value. They will group numbers into tens and ones, and learn to add and subtract up through 20. They will use charts, tables, and diagrams to solve problems.

In ELA, children will continue to learn the letters and sounds that make up words. They will think, talk, and write about what they read in stories, articles, and other sources of information. In writing, students will work on putting together clear sentences on a range of topics, using a growing vocabulary.


* Solve word problems by adding or subtracting numbers up through 20

* Solve addition and subtraction problems for different unknown numbers (20-?=15, 9+4=?)


* 6 bunnies sat on the grass. Some more bunnies hopped over. Then there were 14 bunnies. How many bunnies hopped over?


* 14 bunnies were sitting on the grass. Some bunnies hopped away. Then there were 5 bunnies. How many bunnies hopped away?


Lucy has 12 apples. Julie has 9 apples. How many more apples does Lucy have than Julie?







Use pictures and diagrams to show addition and subtraction and to compare amounts.

Place Value

* Understand that 10 can be thought of as a bundle of ten ones—called a “ten”

* Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones (place value)

* Add and subtract numbers through 100 using what students have learned about place value

* Students use models and pictures to show that 47 is the same as 47 ones, or 4 tens + 7 ones, and to better understand the relative size of the units.

Sample task: Nina’s Numbers

This problem gives you the chance to: show your understanding of whole numbers (answers below) n Nina loves to play Fill in the Blank games.

1. Write the numbers that belong in each blank.

a) 25, __, 35, 40, __, 50

b) 4, 7, __, 13, __, 19, __, 25

2. Fill in the missing number to make this number sentence correct.

58 + __ = 65

Show your work using pictures, words, and numbers n Nina has three number cards.

3. What is the largest two-digit number Nina can make using these cards?

Write that number in the boxes.

4. Using these same cards, what two-digit number can Nina make that is closest to 45?

Write that number in the boxes.

5. Show how you figured it out using pictures, words, and numbers.

Help children learn outside school

1. Look for everyday opportunities to have your child do math. For example: If you open a carton of eggs and take out seven, ask, “How many are left in the carton?”

2. Play math games with your child. For example: “I’m thinking of a number. When I add five to it, I get 11. What is the number?”

3. Encourage your child to read and write numbers in different ways. For example: What are ways that you can make the number 15? 15 can be 10+5, 7+8, 20-5, or 5+5+5.

4. Have your child create story problems to represent addition, subtraction, and comparisons. For example: “I have seven pennies. My brother has five pennies. How many pennies does he need to have the same number as I have? He needs two more pennies.”


Reading literature

* Retell stories, including key details, and show that they understand the lesson or moral of a story.

* Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text.

Reading for information

* Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

* Use illustrations and details in a text to describe key ideas.


* Name a topic and supply some facts about the topic.

* Give a conclusion.

Sample task: My Report about Frogs

Students will read a story called “Frogs,” by Gail Gibbons, then write and illustrate a report. Students write sentences to answer: “These are my questions about frogs,” “Things I learned about frogs,” “Things I learned about tadpoles,” and “This is the most interesting thing I learned about frogs or something that I want to know more about.”


1. a) 30, 45

b) 10,16,22

2. 7. Show work, such as: 65 – 58 = 7 3. 85 4. 38 5. Write that 38 is closer to 45 than 53, 83 or 85