Mike Vaccaro

Mike Vaccaro


Whack back at Vac: Sanchez, WFAN and Michael Myers

Marty Gavin: Any chance the Jets can get Dr. Andrews to remove that awful headband from Mark Sanchez’s head if he ever gets him in the operating room?
Vac: Some afflictions are too grave for even the brightest medical minds of our time.

Wendell Ramey: With the Yankees moving to WFAN, do you think the Mets might be pushed over to Ham radio?
Vac: That, or maybe they’ll just turn up the PA system a little bit at Citi Field.

@jerseyjoekelly: The Yankees are like Michael Myers [of “Halloween” fame]!
@MikeVacc: Unfortunately, as players go down day after day, they also resemble the Black Knight from “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.”
Tom Clancy: As far as the Jets are concerned, here’s the thing — it doesn’t make sense to get mad at Danny DeVito for being short, so why are we mad at bad receivers for being bad receivers?

Vac: Do you suppose Louie De Palma has a soft set of hands?