
‘Flesh’ approach

TAKE TWO: While the zombies of “The Walking Dead” are terrifying, the “partially” undead featured on “In the Flesh” (inset) are introduced back into society. (

Let’s face the truth, folks: Vampires are so 2009.

Sure, those undead types are fashion-forward and centuries old, but you’d have to be dead yourself not to see that those legions of thin white dukes have begun to lose the war to the fashionably undead — aka zombies.

Sure, zombies rot, stink, and love nothing more than a nice meal of torso — while vampires have no odor, simply suck blood and stay intact forever. But, regardless, TV zombie shows are on the rise while vampire series, like singing competitions will, I predict, soon begin to die off. That’s all because of my personal favorite show in centuries, “The Walking Dead.”

I think of zombies as the Tea Party of the undead. In the same way that the Teas rose from the ashes of GOP defeat, zombies began eating vampire dust (as in flesh and dust) the minute AMC shocked the daylights (literally) out of us with “Dead.”

And viewers loved it in numbers that, in turn, shocked the networks — even though the morons at the Emmys never took notice enough to nominate “Walking Dead” for anything other than “makeup.”

Hopefully, the idiot Emmy voters will eat their guts out that they missed the trend when, next month, BBC America jumps into the grave with a three-night premiere of a terrific zombie series of their own, “In the Flesh.”

So, you may ask, what in hell can they do to top zombies eating out people’s faces?

Interestingly, they’ve figured out a whole new angle here. Instead of a character-driven series about human survivors, “Flesh” is a character-driven series about the zombies — oh sorry, “PDs.”

In this series, medical science has found a way to treat zombies (before they start rotting) and turn them back to humans. OK — not humans, exactly, but in politically correct parlance, Partially Deceased Humans.

And the English small-town folk, where the series takes place, are not happy when the government begins sending the PDs back home via a new program, the Domiciled Initiation Protection Act.

Instead of shooting the “rotters” through the head, they’re supposed to embrace them without bigotry or prejudice. Sure — until the first one stops taking their meds and comes looking to eat their legs.

Scary, human, and bizarre, sure, but is there anything better than getting the chills in the dead heat of summer?