
Make your dad a star by giving him a shoutout in The Post

He may not be a Met, Yankee or Giant — or, for that matter, a ballplayer at all. But we’re pretty sure the father figure in your life has done something — daring, caring or just pretty darn cool — that’s made your life better. If you’re 18 years old or younger, tell us about your dad. We’ll run our favorite essays in The Post on Saturday, June 15 and make him feel like a star that Father’s Day weekend.

Send your stories and, if you have them, photos of the two of you to: My Dad, Pulse, The New York Post, 1211 Sixth Ave., NY, NY 10036, or email them to mydad@nypost.com.

Please include your age, town or borough, and a daytime phone number. We need to hear from you no later than June 12.