
Chill factor

Mary J Blige

Mary J Blige (AP)

Most popular songs

1. Blurred Lines, Robin Thicke

2. We Can’t Stop, Miley Cyrus

3. Radioactive, Imagine Dragons

4. Holy Grail, Jay Z

5. Get Lucky, Daft Punk

6. Can’t Hold Us, Macklemore + Ryan Lewis

7. Same Love, Macklemore + Ryan Lewis

8. Cups, Anna Kendrick

9. Treasure, Bruno Mars

10. Come & Get It, Selena Gomez

Tivo favorites

1. The Bachelorette

2. America’s Got Talent

3. Big Brother

4. Under the Dome

5. NBC Nightly News, Wed.

Google trends

1. Phil Mickelson

2. Ultron

3. Guardians of the Galaxy

4. Helen Thomas

5. Catching Fire trailer

Top video downloads

1. Carly Rae Jepsen throws terrible first pitch

2. Grandma drummer

3. Stephen Hawking unveils the Big Bang

4. Deadly accident on roller coaster

5. Dwight Howard live

NY Post hot topics

1. Trans-Atlantic takeout

2. Instagram lands cop in hot water

3. US spy partner

4. Orthodox sex abusers

5. Mary J. Blige’s friend