
A Bullock betrayal: no Hollywood ending

THE ISSUE: Reports of infidelity by Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock’s husband.


Poor Sandra Bullock — she seems so sweet and beautiful (“Blind Sided,” March 18).

But here’s the thing: Women like Bullock can’t compete with a woman like Michelle Mcgee. Some men want a superfreak.

But where do you take a girl with “Pray for Us Sinners” on her forehead for dinner?

Dave Jensen



Bullock may have been blindsided by her husband, reality TV star Jesse James, but his actions were the product of a world literally blinded by nonexistent Hollywood morals — the real culprit.

Decades ago, cinematic stars chose the road to self-satisfaction and riches. Instead of promoting family values, they have continued to push their “at any cost” form of righteousness, often polluting the impressionable minds of our young and old alike.

Wake up, world. Star status is not all it is cracked up to be, so stop deluding yourself into thinking that lifestyle is perfect.

Why Jesse James chose to hook up with a tattooed lady may be a mystery to many, but his behavior is in line with the excessive, overindulging nature of big-screen mavens, public celebrities and political has-beens.

Just ask Tiger Woods and John Edwards how great they are now that the cat is out of the bag.

Fairytales may seem possible when they’re splayed all over TV, but the artificial circumstances of their lifestyles prove that success and popularity often come with a high price tag.

Camille Olive

Lewisburg, Pa.


Bullock is not some idiot actress who sleeps around or frequently steals other people’s husbands.

The lady is a class act and deserves to be treated that way.

Holly M. Manley



The picture of New York’s Bravest filing past St. Patrick’s Cathedral and carrying American flags would have been a far better choice than the “biker babe” on your front cover (“A Banner Day for the Irish,” March 18).

Why bury such a dignified and inspiring picture on Page 21?

Linda Staudacher

Longwood, Fla.