
Sanit ‘snow-blower’ ID’d

A Queens councilman has revealed the identity of a whistleblower he says told him Sanitation bosses were directing workers to slow down snow removal during the Christmas blizzard to protest budget cuts.

Carl Curto, one of two Department of Transportation supervisors Councilman Dan Halloran said spilled the beans to him, is now catching grief from his colleagues and has backed off his claims despite being questioned by state investigators, the lawmaker said.

Halloran said both DOT supervisors are “under tremendous pressure” from their co-workers to keep their mouths shut.

The alleged work slowdown is being investigated by the Brooklyn US Attorney’s Office, the Brooklyn and Queens DAs’ offices and the city Department of Investigation.

The Republican councilman said he believes none of the investigations are “getting traction” because “the problem is getting someone [with knowledge of the slowdown] to go on the record and talk about it.”

Curto told The Post he had no comment yesterday.

Meanwhile, Halloran said he met with Brooklyn federal investigators and turned over video and photos that could back claims that plow operators were told to slack off during the blizzard because of Sanitation budget cuts.

Halloran expects to return to Brooklyn federal court on Monday to continue talking to investigators, who are putting the case to a grand jury.