
Chill factor

Michelle Kwan s

Michelle Kwan s (AP)

Most popular songs

1. I Knew You Were Trouble, Taylor Swift

2. Thrift Shop, Macklemore, Ryan Lewis

3. Scream and Shout, Will.I.Am

4. Gangnam Style, PSY

5. Locked Out of Heaven, Bruno Mars

6. Ho Hey, The Lumineers

7. Kiss You, One Direction

8. Don’t You Worry Child, Swedish House Mafia

9. Diamonds, Rihanna

10. Beauty and a Beat, Justin Bieber

Tivo favorites

1. NFL Football: Texans vs. Patriots

2. NFL Football: Ravens at Broncos

3. NFL Football: Seahawks at Falcons

4. Golden Globes

5. NFL Football: Packers vs. 49ers

Top video downloads

1. Lance Armstrong’s confession

2. Manti Te’o, hoaxed or hoaxster?

3. How the Hobbit should have ended

4. The surprise that left Steve Harvey in tears

5. Let’s play

Google trends

1. Jennifer Lawrence

2. Stan Musial

3. Mama movie

4. Casey Anthony

5. Mega

NY Post hot topics

1. SNL mocks Lance Armstrong

2. Madoff skips jail for Bat Mitzvah

3. Te’o hoaxer fooled beauty queen

4. Teen kills five in New Mexico

5. Michelle Kwan skates up aisle