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How do you handle a boss who is a bully? My colleagues have been here for a while and seem to accept it. I’m new and don’t want to rock the boat, but at the same time I don’t want to be treated like they are.

I think everything reverts back to high school (except hopefully my hair and clothing!). The only way to deal with bullies and have any chance of getting them to treat you differently is to confront them. Unfortunately, the consequences of doing so at work are usually greater than at the playground. First, you want to make sure your new boss really is a bully. Some people confuse bullying with hard-driving, high-performing execs who have little tolerance or patience for poor performance. Before you square off behind the football field stands, take some time and try to cultivate the relationship you want, and see how your new boss responds. If that doesn’t work, you may have to take a more direct approach. And if that doesn’t work, you may want (or have to) look for new job.

I’m a doorman, and as most people know, we rely on tips for a significant part of our income. How do you handle residents who never reach into their pockets?

Switch their dry-cleaning . . . forget to give them their packages . . . drop their bags . . . be slow to open the door . . . oh, I forgot, that’s how you guys handle the good tippers! C’mon — we kid because we love. But I am going to blow the lid off the whole parking scandal with you guys — saving spots for each other, taking up two spaces — the shift change looks like an alternate-side-of-the-street parking fire drill on the Upper East Side! As for thealligator-arm residents — if the annual note most buildings send reminding residents it’s customary to tip the building staff doesn’t do it, then just continue providing that great service with a smile — and hope they sell when the market gets strong again!