
Chill factor

Most popular songs

1. Blurred Lines, Robin Thicke

2. We Can’t Stop, Miley Cyrus

3. Radioactive, Imagine Dragons

4. Holy Grail, Jay Z

5. Get Lucky, Daft Punk

6. Cups, Anna Kendrick

7. Same Love, Macklemore + Ryan Lewis

8. Can’t Hold Us, Macklemore + Ryan Lewis

9. Treasure, Bruno Mars

10. Come & Get It, Selena Gomez

Tivo favorites

1. The Bachelorette, Mon.

2. Big Brother, Sun.

3. Under the Dome, Mon.

4. Big Brother, Thur.

5. Big Brother, Wed.

Google trends

1. Doctor Who

2. John Palmer

3. Powerful

4. Michael Ansara

5. Raven Symone

Top video downloads

1. Bear steals dumpster

2. YouTube complaints

3. Fly Girls: Barely Air #4

4. We Meet Again (Star Wars parody)

5. United States of Surveillance

NY Post hot topics

1. Tawana pays

2. Teen dead in police shooting

3. ‘2 Guns’ takes top spot

4. Supermodels class of 1990

5. Teresa Giudice, ‘Real’ swag hag