Food & Drink

It’s a blog, not a ’wich hunt!

I met a guy. I made a sandwich. I started a blog. And I enraged feminists everywhere.
On Wednesday, I wrote in The Post about how my boyfriend Eric’s joke remark after making him a snack — “Honey, you’re 300 sandwiches away from an engagement ring!” — inspired me to do just that and chronicle the project on a Web site,
Apparently, in some corners of the Internet, this is an outrage.
“Why would you ever do that when he is capable of doing for himself? What is this, the 1960s? So sexist,” one wrote on Twitter.
Eric took a few hits. One blogger called Eric a “less funny MegaDick version” of comedian Daniel Tosh.

Another one even Photoshopped his head on the body of Gerard Butler from the cover of the movie “300.” I stood in the background with the rest of the worker-bee Spartans. We actually found that hilarious.

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I asked Eric what he thought of the backlash. “I’m reminded of my favorite quote by Andy Warhol: ‘Don’t read your reviews. Weigh them,’ ” he laughed. “Having said that, no sandwiches at all are required for me to marry you and never have been. I already love you and always will.”
Some people read into the article too literally — they truly think that if I get to 299 sandwiches, there could actually be a moment there where Eric may say, “Eh, you didn’t make enough steak sandwiches. I’m not sure you deserve a ring!”
The blog started as a lighthearted joke between boyfriend and girlfriend. I presented it to the world because I thought at least one person would find the humor in the idea of sandwiches for an engagement ring.
This project is not about me promoting myself as some gourmet chef, nor a desperate plot to win Eric’s love — or a movie deal or Internet fame.
It’s an idea that made us laugh and made for a good, lighthearted blog with some drool- inducing sandwich photos.
“300 is a fun, creative project for both of us,” Eric agreed. “We both started from an obviously tongue-firmly-planted-in-cheek joke. I find it nothing short of hilarious and kind of sad that so many people missed that!”
Since I’ve launched the blog, E and I have learned a lot about each other besides whether or not he likes tomatoes. We’ve laughed at our mistakes, become more patient with each other’s faults and I’ve learned to not be afraid of our stove.
For those who think I’m sacrificing myself for Eric, know that he does most of the cooking, often having dinner ready when I come home late from work. He also suffers through many episodes of “House Hunters” on HGTV. He does things I like, just as I make sandwiches he likes, because that’s what a couple does. These aren’t sacrifices. They are what you do when you enjoy seeing the person you love happy.
Eric is the type of guy that at least deserved one sandwich. And I’m the kind of woman that wanted to make him one.
I’m no less of a woman because I decided to make him 300 after a flip joke.