
Man sues mother-in-law over murder accusations

A Long Island woman believes she knows who killed her husband: her son-in-law.

“You are a killer! You killed my husband!” Esmeralda Morales has allegedly told her daughter’s spouse, José Perez, more than once since the January death of Jesus “Jesse” Morales.

Jesse was wounded in a Jan. 9 robbery near his Park Slope, Brooklyn, travel agency and died.

Police say they have no suspects, but Esmeralda does.

Within weeks of Jesse’s death, Esmeralda told Perez, “I know you killed Jesse,” according to a lawsuit Perez filed against his mother-in-law.

She even called the cops on him, telling them Jesse’s killer was at the travel agency, which Perez and his wife had co-owned with Jesse since 1991.

“José gave a picture of the ring they stole from my dead husband to the press. How did he get that picture? Because he is the killer,” Morales allegedly claimed in front of police officers.

Perez says his mother-in-law is angry because he refused to sign over his ownership of the business to her after her husband’s death. He is seeking $750,000 in damages.

Morales could not be reached for comment.