US News

Boulder roll video may cost man lawsuit win

Alan Macdonald laughed it up last week, watching video of another Utah man, thoughtlessly destroying a 170 million-year-old rock formation.

Little did Macdonald know, he was chuckling at a piece of of potentially lawsuit-winning evidence.

Doofus scout master Glenn Taylor — seen knocking a 2,000-pound rock from the sandstone formation’s crown at Goblin Valley State Park, before high-fiving giddy pals — is suing Macdonald and his daughter for a 2009 fender-bender.

“I watched that video [last week] like everyone else in Utah, just thinking to myself, `What moronic, immature behavior’ — I didn’t think twice about [the connection to 2009],” Macdonald told The Post on Sunday.

Not only is Taylor now being investigated on possible criminal charges for destroying part of the natural wonder, he might have also ruined his chances at winning his lawsuit against Macdonald’s family.

Cassie Macdonald, 16 in 2009, rear-ended a car, causing a mini-chain reaction that included Taylor’s vehicle and allegedly left him injured.

Taylor filed a lawsuit against the young driver and her dad Alan, who owned the car, last month, claiming he “endure(d) great pain and suffering, disability, impairment, loss of joy of life” as a result of the minor collision.

Then, last week, Taylor posted video on Facebook, boasting about his stupid human trick involving the heavy-boulder push.

The elder Macdonald said he didn’t realize it was the same guy who sued him and his daughter until a reporter from local KUTV brought it to his attention.

Macdonald, a former personal-injury lawyer, could barely contain his laughter.

“Talk about instant karma,” he said. “I would think that someone strong enough to push a boulder the size of a car probably has a pretty strong back.”

Macdonald added: “I’d think he’d want to drop the lawsuit so he doesn’t have to have that video played over and over in court.”

Taylor’s lawyer, Mark Stubbs, said his client has never been paid for his injuries and needed to file the lawsuit to get in under a four-year statute of limitations.

“It is a fairly typical automobile accident case,” Stubbs said. “The reason we filed the lawsuit when we did was because the statute of limitations was about to expire and if we didn’t file suit before it ran, he wouldn’t be able to even be reimbursed for his medical expenses. “